Page 3 - CASL Newsletter Issue 8
P. 3


                                      At  the  very  beginning   剛剛踏入 2017 年,同時亦
                                      of  2017  and  the  Year   迎來新春佳節。首先我謹
                                      of the Rooster, on be-
             half of CASL I would like to send my best wishes to all   代  表  中  飛  公  司  祝  各  位  同
             fellow colleagues and customers and wish you great   事、各位客戶新年進步、萬
             success in 2017. This year we have specially prepared   事如意、年年有餘。公司今年特別印製了新春利是封,
             red  packets  for  our  colleagues  to  send  seasonal
             greetings to friends and families.               讓祝福送給更多親朋好友。

             Apart from the CNY red packets, we are planning and   除了派發新春利是封,我們亦嘗試以不同的方式感謝
             kicking-off  different  programmes  to  express  our  ap-  各位同事的辛勤工作,加強同事的凝聚力,例如最近
             preciation for the contributions of our colleagues and
             to bring the big CASL family closer together. Take the   推出全新的員工子女獎學金,公司期望通過計劃獎勵
             newly  launched  CASL  Scholarship  for  example,  we   同事子女在學業、課外活動或社區服務方面的優秀表
             hope to recognise outstanding achievements in aca-  現。獲獎的學生將被邀請出席週年員工晚會,與家人
             demics, extra-curricular activities or  community ser-
             vice  of  the  children  of  our  staff.  We  will  also  invite   一起分享得獎的快樂。
             the awarded students to join our Annual Staff Party
             to share joy with families.                      回顧過去一年,公司業務取得長足發展。我們為國泰
                                                              港龍航空 A320/ 321 機隊提供全面航線維修和技術支
             CASL continued to do well in last year. We have pro-
             vided comprehensive line maintenance and associat-  援服務已經超過兩年時間。為此,我們特別舉辦了一
             ed  technical  services  to  Cathay  Dragon  A320/  321   個慶祝派對(於第 4 頁閱讀更多內容)。為了加強和
             fleets for over 2 years. A celebration party was held   確保公司業務各個環節的安全和品質,我們成立了新
             for  this  successful  partnership  (turn  to  page  4  for
             more details). In order to enhance safety and quality   的部門,並由三位「安全守門人」把守中飛公司的安
             of our operations, we have set up a new team with 3   全大門(於第 6 頁閱讀更多內容)。
             professional “safety gatekeepers” (turn to page 6 for
             more details).                                   中飛公司正在成長、正在轉變,無論是業務發展還是

             Bit  by  bit,  we  are  trying  our  best  to  build  CASL  a   企業社會責任方面,我們都在一點一滴努力做得更
             better company no matter in corporate development   好。歡迎各位同事隨時給我們意見和建議,一起展望
             or  corporate  social  responsibilities  aspects.  Don’t   中飛公司更好的明天。
             hesitate to send us any suggestions or comments and
             let’s achieve a brighter future of CASL together.

                       Dr Angus Cheung
                       Chief Executive Officer                行政總裁
                       China Aircraft Services Limited        張謙華博士

                                                                                                         中飛通訊 3
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