Company Updates
President Group Captain Mark Hunt, Mr. Tim Brandt, Immediate Past Chairman of Aerospace Division and Mr. W.K. Chow, Chairman of the North East Asia Region of The Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) visited China Aircraft Services Limited (CASL) on 17 November 2014. On behalf of CASL our CEO, Dr. Angus Cheung, expressed his warm welcome to the President and the delegates. Dr. Cheung gave a presentation of our company and shared his vision on the prospect of aircraft maintenance industry in Asia Pacific with the guests. Followed by the presentation, the honorable guests were given a tour of CASL’s aircraft maintenance facilities and they were impressed by the visit.
Dr. Angus Cheung, CEO of CASL (left 2) with President Group Captain Mark Hunt (left 3) and the delegates of IMechE.
President Group Captain Mark Hunt of IMechE presented a souvenir to Dr. Angus Cheung.
The IMechE guests visited CASL aircraft maintenance facilities.