About Us
Corporate Social Responsibility
As a responsible corporate citizen, CASL puts efforts on maintaining the sustainability of Hong Kong in the social and environmental dimensions. We care about our employees and their family members, and actively participate in various community programs, voluntary services and green initiatives.
CASL believes that people are our most important asset. We provide training and development opportunities to nurture our employees in a variety of areas ranging from technical skills to communication and leadership skills. We encourage positive communication with employees and take good care of their welfare.
Health and Safety
Safety is the first priority in our core value. We established the Safety Committee and implement a Safety Management System to enhance a safety culture. CASL endeavors to promote occupational safety and health, and provide a safe and pleasant working environment for our employees.
For the environmental sustainability, we actively adopt green policies and practices across the company. We participate in the HKIA Carbon Reduction Programs in order to help reduce the airport-wide carbon emissions.
CASL strives to build a better community through joining hands with our community partners. Apart from charity donations, we also take part in charitable events and volunteering activities. To care for the community, we provide working opportunities for the vulnerable such as the hearing-impaired and in support of the youth employment programs.
Awards and Recognition
CASL is delighted and honored when respected organizations recognize our achievements.
Partner Employer Award CASL has been an active player in giving back to the community. In September 2021, CASL was awarded the "Partner Employer Award” 2021 by The Hong Kong General Chamber of Small Business and Medium Enterprise in recognition of our contribution in building a harmonious and inclusive society.
COVID-19 challenges have not stopped us from giving back to society. Not only do we hire people with disabilities, ethnic minorities also contribute a significant percentage of the CASL workforce.
The "Partner Employer Award" is organized by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business Limited. It aims to commend the efforts of enterprises in actively offering internship to students and employment opportunities to the disabled, ethnic minorities, rehabilitated persons, re-trained persons and retirees etc.Best All-Round MPF Employer We are delighted to receive for the second time the Best All-round MPF Employer Award from the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority for 2020-2021 in recognition of CASL being a Good MPF Employer for seven consecutive years.
As a responsible employer, not only do we offer more than one MPF scheme for our employees to choose from to suit their needs and preferences while complying with the MPF legislation, we also offer MPF voluntary contributions and actively promote updates and tips on MPF to our colleagues through our communication channels.
Good MPF Employer 5 Years+ With our continuous efforts in enhancing retirement protection for our employees over the years, CASL is also presented the Good MPF Employer 5 Years+ Award, e-Contribution Award and MPF Support Award in 2020-2021.Equal Opportunity Employer Gold Award CASL's exceptional achievements in all four aspects including gender equality, equality for diverse abilities, family status equality, as well as racial equality and inclusion earned us the Equal Opportunity Employer Gold Award from the Equal Opportunities Commission (EOC), demonstrating our commitment to promoting the values of equal opportunity, diversity and inclusion despite the difficult challenges from the COVID-19 pandemic.
Among the 420 applications submitted to the EOC, CASL is proud to be one of 14 companies and the first company at Hong Kong International Airport to receive the Gold Award at the EOC’s first ever recognition scheme.Equal Opportunity Employer Recognition Scheme Headquartered in Asia’s world city, Hong Kong, CASL understands the importance of diversity and inclusion. We are pleased to be awarded as an Equal Opportunity Employer in recognition of our efforts in creating a harmonious workplace from the Equal Opportunities Commission.Code of Practice against Discrimination in Employment on the Ground of Sexual Orientation CASL believes building a fair and respectful working environment is conducive to corporates and society. To continuously create an accepting and harmonious workplace, and promote equal employment opportunities among all persons irrespective of their sexual orientation, CASL took part in a new corporate services responsibility initiative early this year and have become one the latest signatories of the Code of Practice against Discrimination in Employment on the Ground of Sexual Orientation headed by the Constitutional and Mainland Affairs Bureau of the HKSAR Government.Company visits and industry introduction CASL partners with various local organizations and has resumed hosting company visits for students in 2021 with the local COVID-19 situation remains stable. We see it as a great way to get adolescents understand the aircraft maintenance industry more thoroughly, as well as to ignite their passion in aviation and help them explore career possibilities.“Happy Company 5 Years Plus” A happy working environment has become more vital during the pandemic. CASL has constantly created a caring and happy working environment for our employees, we are pleased to be also awarded the “Happy Company 5 Years Plus” logo in 2021.Happy Company Since 2017, CASL has been awarded the “Happy Company” logo from the Promoting Happiness Index Foundation in recognition of our continuous effort in creating a caring and pleasant workplace for our employees.
The “Happiness at Work Promotional Scheme” aims to promote a happy workplace culture and environment and improve the happiness of the local workforce.Caring Company logo for the 19th consecutive year Aside from our focus on aircraft maintenance, CASL always cares for the community. In particular during the pandemic, it is essential to live up the caring spirit. CASL is awarded the Caring Company logo for the 19th consecutive year in 2021 from the Hong Kong Council of Social Service.Racial Diversity and Inclusion Charter for Employers First 100+ Signatories CASL understands the potential benefits of a varied talent pool to our business thus we actively promote inclusion and the idea of equal opportunities in our workplace. In 2020, CASL signed Equal Opportunities Commission’s Racial Diversity and Inclusion Charter for Employers last year as we continue to adopt racially inclusive practices and create a welcoming culture and working environment for all our employees. We received a trophy from the EOC recognizing our efforts and appreciating our participation as its first 100+ Signatories of the Charter in early 2021. -
BOCHK Corporate Environmental Leadership Awards 2020 CASL is honored to receive the EcoPartner Award from the BOCHK Corporate Environmental Leadership Awards Programme for the 5th consecutive year. CASL is encouraged to be one of over 800 participating companies from Hong Kong, Macau and the mainland as enterprises join hands in creating an environmentally friendly and sustainable future with efforts contributed in 2020.
CASL has been a recipient of the Awards since 2016. Apart from the EcoPartner Award, CASL is awarded the “EcoPioneer 5 Years+” logo in recognition of our continued green efforts.
Organized by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries and sponsored by Bank of China (Hong Kong), the Awards aims to reduce environmental footprints in the Pan-Pearl River Delta region.The Racial Diversity and Inclusion Charter for Employers To show our commitment to providing safe and inclusive working environments for all our staff members, CASL signed The Racial Diversity and Inclusion Charter for Employers in 2020. CASL is determined to work towards the Charter goals set out by Hong Kong's Equal Opportunities Commission and promote the principles of racial diversity and inclusion in the workplace.Good Employer Charter 2020 CASL signed Labour Department’s “Good Employer Charter” in spring 2020 as we promise to adopt employee-oriented and progressive good human resource management practices.
Creating a family-friendly workplace through implementing family-friendly employment practices, we hope this will help relieve employees from work stress and the pressure of taking care of their families and we believe employees can enjoy work better with their mind at ease.Family-Friendly Good Employer By assessing different family responsibilities borne by our employees, CASL formulate family-friendly employment policies and help our staff fulfil their work and family needs simultaneously, creating a family-friendly harmonious workplace together, which earned us the “Family-Friendly Good Employer Award” from the Labour Department.Celebrating Mid-Autumn Festival with free mooncakes Mid-Autumn Festival symbolizes family reunion, that’s why CASL gives out free mooncakes to everyone at our CASL family to share the joy of the festive season.ERB Manpower Award 2018-2020 CASL values our talented staff, we are committed to providing quality on-the-job training and career planning to retain talents. Our multi-channel training and development plan for staff earned us with the extended Manpower Developer Awarded 2018-20 by Employee Retraining Board.Good MPF Employer 6 Years At CASL, we support Mandatory Provident Fund and offer multiple MPF options to our staff, earning six consecutive years of MPF recognitions. We are glad to receive the “Good MPF Employer 6 Years” certificate from Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority in 2020, together with “e-Contribution Award” and “MPF Support Award recognizing our continued support to the scheme.Best All-Round MPF Employer As a responsible employer, it is important to make MPF contributions for our employees. CASL is pleased to receive the “Best All-Round MPF Employer Award” in 2020, which praises our all-dimensional support to our staff in MPF matters.CASL Fruit Day CASL cares about employees’ well-being. We planned a series of health-related activities for encouraging healthy lifestyle. The first activity is CASL Fruit Day, where fruits are given to all staff for free on the first Tuesday of every month.Workplace Exploration Program 2020 In July 2020, CASL hosted this new trainee program, passing on the torch on the passion in aviation and aircraft maintenance to our local post-secondary aviation young lovers. CASL is delighted to welcome and see over 70 energetic dream-chasers onboard our Workplace Exploration Program 2020.Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence In this world where environmental friendliness becomes more and more important, CASL is keen on making the workplace greener, including the reduction of paper use and the utilization of digital technology.
We are pleased to receive a certificate from the Environmental Campaign Committee in recognition of our pursuit of environmental initiatives and participation in the 2019 Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence.Happy Company Award for the 4th consecutive year CASL has been awarded the “Happy Company” logo for the 4th consecutive year from the Promoting Happiness Index Foundation in recognition of our continuous effort in creating a caring and pleasant workplace for our employees.
“Happiness at Work Promotional Scheme” aims to promote a happy workplace culture and environment and improve the happiness of the local workforce.Caring Company award for the 18th consecutive year CASL is pleased to receive again the Caring Company award from The Hong Kong Council of Social Service as recognition to our commitment for the community, employees and the environment over the past years. This is our 18th consecutive year to receive the honor. -
Good MPF Employer CASL does more legal requirements in protecting our employees’ interests when it comes to MPF contributions. We were presented "Good MPF Employer Award", "E-Contribution Award" and "Support for MPF Management Award" from the MPF Schemes Authority for 2018-2019. It is CASL’s fifth consecutive year to receive the recognition.Happy Company Logo for the 3rd consecutive year “Happiness at work promotional Scheme” aims to promote a happy workplace culture and environment for the community to improve the happiness of the local workforce.
CASL has been awarded the “Happy Company " logo for the 3rd consecutive years to recognize CASL’s effort in creating a caring and pleasant workplace for our employees.
Caring Company Logo for 17th Consecutive Year The Caring Company Logo is awarded every year to companies that demonstrate exceptional corporate citizenship. This year, CASL has again awarded the 15 Years+ Caring Company logo for 2018/2019 by the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, in recognition of our effort and commitment in caring for the community, employees and environment over the past years.BOCHK Corporate Environmental Leadership Awards 2019 CASL is dedicated to promoting environmentally-friendly initiatives, we are pleased to receive a certificate from Bank of China Corporate Environmental Leadership Awards 2019 organized by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries, appreciating our active participation in environmentally conscious practices at our daily operations and services. -
Good MPF Employer CASL does more than just complying with legal obligations and protecting our employees’ interests when it comes to MPF contributions. We were presented "Good MPF Employer Award", "E-Contribution Award" and "Support for MPF Management Award" from the MPF Schemes Authority for 2017-2018. It is CASL’s fourth consecutive year to receive the recognition."Family-Friendly Employers 2017/18" and "Special Mention (Gold) 2017/18" Awards CASL believes that people are our most important asset. Our family-friendly policies and practices are intended to help employees balance their work and family lives, which also improve morale and enhance working relationships. Family Council presented "Family-Friendly Employers 2017/18" and "Special Mention (Gold) 2017/18" awards to CASL for our efforts.CASL Staff Joined HKSKH Family Walk 2018 Echoing the invitation of HKSKH Tung Chung Integrated Services, CASL participated in the annually held "Family Walk" as Corporate Volunteers, joining with the neighbourhood in Tung Chung to promote the ideal of connecting organisations in Tung Chung, advocating healthy lifestyle and establishing harmonious community.FHKI Industries Care Recognition CASL's initiatives to provide a family-friendly and work-life-balanced working environment for our colleagues through staff engagement and community care programmes win us the Industries Care recognition by Federation of Hong Kong Industries. CASL will continue its pace to care for our colleagues and help improve the well-being of the society.BOCHK Corporate Environmental Leadership Awards – "EcoPartner" & "EcoPioneer 3+" With the consistent awareness over sustainability along with business growth, CASL receives the the "EcoPartner" logo under the BOCHK Corporate Environmental Leadership Awards for the third year. The continued engagement in environmental protection also earns us the "EcoPioneer 3+" award.Manpower Developer Award 2016-20 CASL is committed to providing quality on-the-job training and career planning to retain talents. Our multi-channel training and development plan for staff earned us with the extended Manpower Developer Awarded 2018-20 by Employee Retraining Board."Happy Company" Logo CASL is committed to promoting a happy workplace through multiple channels. While staff activities such as Annual Staff Party, Christmas Party, gatherings and health talks are organized regularly, staff with special needs are also provided with family-friendly flexibility to better look after their families. Our continued efforts have therefore been rewarded with “Happy Company” logo for consecutive 2 years!Awarded “Caring Company" Logo for the 16th Consecutive Years The Caring Company Scheme aimed at building a cohesive society by promoting strategic partnerships among business and social service partners and inspiring corporate social responsibility. This year, CASL has been awarded the “Caring Company" logo for the 16th consecutive years to recognize CASL’s effort in caring community, employees and environment.
"Wastewi$e Certificate" from "Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification Programme" This is the 6th consecutive year that CASL being awarded "Wastewi$e Certificate" by this programme for recognition of efforts on waste reduction and environmental protection.18 Districts Caring Employer Award CASL provides equal employment opportunities and supports social integration of persons with disabilities and the able-bodied. CASL was presented the “18 Districts Caring Employer Award” and “Special Award for being awarded for 5 consecutive years or above” under the “18 Districts Caring Employers Scheme 2017”."Good MPF Employer Award" Recognition CASL complies with MPF-related legal obligations under the law, protects employees’ interests and also provides attractive retirement benefits for our staff. CASL was presented "Good MPF Employer Award", "E-Contribution Award" and "Support for MPF Management Award" under the Good MPF Employer Award 2016-17.HKIA Environmental Management Recognition Scheme – Excellent Class CASL strives to promote and implement environmental protection. CASL works with Airport Authority Hong Kong and more than 100 companies in the airport community to support the "HKIA Environmental Management Recognition Scheme" and to build a sustainable green airport. Our environmental protection measures were recognised by the Scheme and awarded the Excellent Class Certificate.BOCHK Corporate Environmental Leadership Awards – EcoPartner CASL was awarded the "EcoPartner" logo under the BOCHK Corporate Environmental Leadership Awards for two consecutive years."Happy Company" Logo CASL promotes a caring culture and builds a joyous workplace for staff through various events and family-friendly measures, such as Annual Staff Party, Christmas Party, Health Talk, etc. The Company was awarded the “Happy Company” logo by the “Happiness-at-Work Promotional Scheme 2017”."15 Consecutive Years or above Caring Company" Logo To foster strategic partnerships between the business and social services sectors to promote good corporate citizenship and create a more inclusive society, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service launched the Caring Company Scheme in 2002. With 15 years’ active participation, CASL was presented the "15 Consecutive Years or above Caring Company" logo.
"Hong Kong Corporate Citizenship" Logo CASL takes up corporate citizenship responsibility and incorporates it into daily operations by enhancing development of economy, society and environment. CASL was awarded the "Hong Kong Corporate Citizenship" Logo."18 Districts Caring Employer Award" CASL provides equal employment opportunities and supports social integration of persons with disabilities and the able-bodied. CASL was presented the “18 Districts Caring Employer Award” and “Special Award for being awarded for 5 consecutive years or above” by the Organising Committee for the International Day of Disabled Persons 2016."Family-Friendly Employers 2015/16" and "Special Mention 2015/16" Awards CASL believes that people are our most important asset. Our family-friendly policies and practices are intended to help employees balance their work and family lives, which also improve morale and enhance working relationships. Family Council presented "Family-Friendly Employers 2015/16" and "Special Mention 2015/16" awards to CASL for our efforts."Good MPF Employer" Recognition CASL places a high value on employees’ remuneration package, as well as their retirement needs. We comply with MPF-related legal obligations under the law and protect employees’ interests. CASL provides attractive retirement benefits for our staff and was awarded as "Good MPF Employer" by MPFA."Manpower Developer Award" 2016 -18 by Employees Retraining Board CASL was recognised by Employees Retraining Board for the effort and accomplishment on staff training and development, and awarded as "Manpower Developer" for year 2016-18 under "ERB Manpower Developer Award Scheme".BOCHK Corporate Environmental Leadership Awards – EcoPartner CASL was awarded as one of the EcoPartners in 2015 BOCHK Corporate Environmental Leadership Awards scheme.CASL awarded Caring Company logo for 14 consecutive years CASL adheres to the beliefs and values of taking up corporate social responsibilities, we are therefore awarded the 10 Years Plus Caring Company logo. In Hong Kong aviation industry, only a handful corporates claimed this recognition, we look forward to more companies in our sector would be more proactively in supporting charity activities of all types, help the needy groups, care for the employees and environment, and giving back to the society together."Wastewi$e Certificate" from "Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification Programme" "Hong Kong Green Organisation Certification Programme" is a benchmarking scheme for companies or organisations on their achievement in green management. CASL received the "Wastewi$e Certificate" under this programme for the efforts on waste reduction and environmental protection.2015/ 16 Airport Safety Recognition Scheme - Accident Prevention Measures Airport Authority Hong Kong holds the Annual Airport Safety Recognition Scheme to recognise the excellent safety practise provided by stakeholders working in the Airport. CASL received the 2015/ 16 Airport Safety Recognition on Accident Prevention Measures for its proactive and effective safety management.CASL Staff to Energize and Be Energized CASL sponsored a campaign entitled “Energize Hong Kong” which is organised by a monthly magazine The Mirror.
This campaign is aimed at empowering youngsters with will power, wisdom and integrity, which many youngsters are in lack of, while these are essential qualities to cope with the challenges and adversities throughout different life stages.
4 CASL employees, along with dozens of representatives from different corporations, received one-day training to acquire the ball juggling skills. They will take up the mentor role and go to a number of schools to pass on the skills and essence of the campaign.
The Mirror awarded CASL a certificate to appreciate our support and sponsorship.Green Power Hike 2016 CASL sponsored 3 teams to take part in Green Power Hike 2016.
The teams consist of CASL staff from Cabin Services, Line Maintenance, Base Maintenance, as well as Supply & Stores Departments.
Cabin Services Team won the second runner-up in the 25Km Division of the Aviation Cup with the result of 3 hours 59 minutes.
Airport Safety Knowledge Put to Test A select squad from CASL squared up to 60 plus contenders representing 14 other airport business partners in the safety quiz under the “2015 Airfield and Baggage Hall Safety Campaign”. After a series of eliminations, 3 CASL representatives made their way to the final 8, and Mr. Bosco So further progressed and claimed the second runner-up. Mr. Tommy Tse, Assistant Operation Manager of CASL attended the prize presentation ceremony with CASL contestants on 15 January 2016. -
Named as 18 Districts Caring Employers 4 Years in a row Labour and Welfare Bureau, The Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities, and their partners presented CASL the “18 Districts Caring Employers 2015 Award”. For CASL demonstrated effort in building an inclusive and harmonious society and promoting employment of people with disabilities.Compliment from The Salvation Army The Salvation Army Hong Kong and Macau Command presented CASL a certificate of compliment, to recognise CASL as their partner by taking part in the job fair and offer employment opportunities to their service users.CASL Named in the first "Good MPF Employer Award" CASL not only complies with the employer’s statutory obligations under the MPF legislation but also provides additional retirement benefits for employees, we are therefore shortlisted for the first “Good MPF Employer Award”. The award presentation ceremony was held on 8 October 2015, CASL was recognised by the MPF Authority for our contribution during 2014/15 and our care for employees’ retirement life, as well as our commitment in providing retirement protection.CASL Launches Safety Promotion Campaign To align with the "Safety First” corporate core values, CASL unveiled a safety promotion campaign themed “You’ve got the key of safety”. The campaign features a series of illustrations, animation, diverse promotional items and reinforced safety trainings to further raise the work safety awareness among the staff. The management proactively engages in the campaign and offer recognitions to the role models with excellent safety performance. They join hands to foster the work safety culture and lift the corporate safety management standard.CASL Claims Its First Hong Kong Corporate Citizenship Logo Hong Kong Productivity Council and Committee on the Promotion of Civic Education commended CASL with the 6th Hong Kong Corporate Citizenship Logo (Enterprise Category) for our efforts in delivering quality and professional service, caring for employees, support in environmental protection, as well as giving back to the society.CASL Supports Work-Integrated Education The Hong Kong Polytechnic University presented CASL the Certificate of Appreciation for being their Industry Partner, we supported their Work-Integrated Education programme by offering internship opportunities to their students.CASL Recognised for CarbonSmart Effort CASL fully supports CarbonSmart Programme, which is co-organised by Hong Kong Productivity Council and several major trade associations in Hong Kong. With the subsidy from the government fund, CASL conducted a carbon audit. Completed in the early 2015, CASL gained a better understanding on our own carbon footprint information through the analysis. We are therefore able to devise energy management and fuel-saving plans to raise operational efficacy, also we can make our best effort in contributing to the sustainable development of the Earth. On 6 October 2015, we are offered a commendation at the CarbonSmart Ceremony.CASL awarded Caring Company logo for 13 consecutive years CASL has been living up to the corporate citizenship principles, benefiting the society with our actions. In 2015, the Company has been awarded the Caring Company logo by The Hong Kong Council of Social Service (HKCSS) for 13 years in a row.Recognised for Contribution to Environment CASL has been awarded “Class of Excellence” Wastewi$e Label 3 years in a row, which was organized by Environmental Campaign Committee, alongside the Environmental Protection Department and nine organisations. With over 9 goals and a new goal being established every year, the Company was recognized for our all-round and outstanding performance as well as contribution to environmental protectionCASL Becomes CPA Australia’s Employer Partner Besides nurturing aircraft maintenance talents, CASL has also invested time, energy and resources to build a learning and development system for our accounting and finance staff through identifying, providing, monitoring and re-assessing staff development needs. With such strong commitment demonstrated, we successfully became a recognized employer partner – professional level from CPA Australia.CASL Wins AA Corporate Safety Performance Award In an effort to raise the safety awareness of airport workforce and promote the safety culture, Airport Authority Hong Kong organized the Airport Safety Recognition Scheme. CASL joined the Scheme and earned the “Corporate Safety Performance Award”. Mr. Patrick Li, General Manager of Maintenance Operations received the award on behalf of CASL at the ceremony held on 5 March 2015.CASL awarded as Outstanding Social Responsible Corporate CASL has won the 4th annual award of “Outstanding Social Responsible Corporation”, organized by Mirror Post monthly magazine. Dr. Angus Cheung, Chief Executive Officer of CASL attended the prize presentation ceremony in person on 27 March. Mr. C.Y. Leung, the Chief Executive of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region was the officiating guest, he mentioned that besides “profit”, “people” and “planet” should be among the 3Ps of corporate development . CASL won the honour after conscientious judging process, business leaders of various industries also take this opportunity to exchange their views of further unleashing their corporate resources to benefit the society.CASL Employees Hike for Greener Future CASL has delegated 8 employees in total to participate the charity hiking event - 22nd Green Power Hike for a Green Future, which was held on 7 February 2015. Wong Tin Yiu, Lo Tung Wai, Chan Siu Pang and Chau Yuet To from Cabin Services Department finished 33 seconds behind and won the 3rd runner-up. Besides, Lam Wing-chung, Wong Kwok-wai and Wu Chi-wah took the 50km challenge, the team official time has yet to reach top 3, the experienced teammates have broken their individual best records.2 CASL Staff Members Elected As Safety Role Models CASL recommended 2 staff members to participate in the Safety Role Model Election of 2014 Airfield and Baggage Hall Safety Campaign, Mr. Chu Lok Ming and Mr. Shea Wai Hong of Line Maintenance Department won in the election. Mr. Patrick Li, General Manager of Maintenance Operations and Roy Ng, Senior Safety and Environment Officer attended the prize presentation ceremony on 8 January 2015 and shared the happiness with these role models.
CASL Team Wins the First Runner-up in the Green Power Hike Cup Race for the Second Year China Aircraft Services Limited (CASL) is supportive in green and charity events. Two teams of CASL staff participated in the 21st Green Power Hike held at the Hong Kong Trail on 25 January 2014 and competed for the Aviation and Airport Services Cup (25 km and 50 km). One CASL team won the first runner-up in the 25 km race for two consecutive years, and broke their last year’s record.
Green Power Hike, organized by a local environment group Green Power, is an annual fund-raising walkathon aiming to inspire people to better appreciate nature and learn more about the ecology of Hong Kong. All donations raised are used for environmental education in the community and schools. Following last year’s success, Green Power organized the Aviation and Airport Services Cup for the airport community. More than 30 teams from various companies in the sector raced over 10 km, 25 km and 50 km of the Hike.Recognised as “18 Districts Caring Employers” for 3 consecutive years CASL aligns with the government’s goal and policy on rehabilitation service, participated in the Inclusive Organisations Recognition Scheme, by providing job opportunities to people with disabilities. This inclusive workplace is beneficial to both employees and society. We therefore have been awarded the “18 Districts Caring Employers” for 3 consecutive years by Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities. Mr. Matthew Cheung Kin-chung, Secretary for Labour and Welfare presented the recognition in person on 7 December 2014 at the opening cum recognition presentation ceremony of International Day of Persons with Disabilities, for CASL and some 130 organisations demonstrated “inclusion of the disabled with equality and respect”.CASL Recognized as a Partnering Inclusive Organization China Aircraft Services Limited (CASL) participated in the Talent-wise Employment and Inclusive Organizations Recognition Scheme (the Scheme) earlier this year. On 6 September 2014 at the award presentation ceremony cum Gala Extraordinary – Stage of Ability 2014, CASL was presented the Partnering Inclusive Organization Award in recognition of its implementing initiatives in promoting employment of people with disabilities. Since 2012, CASL has been cooperating with The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf to offer job opportunities to the hearing impaired.
Certificate of Appreciation Work-Integrated Education Program
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Hong Kong Community CollegeSalvation Army Recognised CASL with Employers’ Appreciation Certificate The Social Services Department of Salvation Army recognised CASL with Employers’ Appreciation Certificate
for taking part in the career development activities held in 2014.Partnering Inclusive Organization (2013-2014) Talent-Wise Employment Charter and Inclusive Organizations Recognition Scheme
Labor and Welfare Bureau of the Hong Kong Government, Rehabilitation Advisory Committee, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service and The Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities -
CASL Joins the International Coastal Cleanup China Aircraft Services Limited (CASL) actively implements its corporate social responsibility on community involvement and environmental protection. Initiated by Ocean Conservancy, the International Coastal Cleanup is a global event aiming to encourage citizens to remove trash from beaches and waterways, and change behavioral patterns that lead to pollution. To support and promote green education, and engage staff in contributing to the community and environment, CASL participated in this year’s Hong Kong event coordinated by the Green Council.CASL Supports Talent-wise Employment China Aircraft Services Limited (CASL) supports talent-wise employment and hires hearing impaired persons in the Cabin Services Department. Recently Radio Television Hong Kong (RTHK) has cooperated with the Rehabilitation Advisory Committee of the Labour and Welfare Bureau to produce a series of videos on real cases of talent-wise employment in Hong Kong.
One of the cases is CASL’s employing hearing impaired staff at the Hong Kong International Airport. The programme is broadcast on ATV Home and TVB Jade on 1 December 2013.
To watch the video, please click below for the archive on RTHK’s website:
Talent-wise Employment video – CASL (Cantonese only)
CASL Earns the 18 Districts Caring Employers Award China Aircraft Services Limited (CASL) earned the 18 Districts Caring Employers Award for the second time, in recognition of its efforts to build an inclusive and harmonious society by promoting employment of people with disabilities. This year, CASL continues to cooperate with The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf to offer job opportunities to the hearing impaired. Only two companies in Hong Kong aviation industry obtained the 18 Districts Caring Employers Award, and CASL is delighted to be one of them.
Co-organized by the Labour and Welfare Bureau, Rehabilitation Advisory Committee, The Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities and The Hong Kong Council of Social Service, the award presentation ceremony was held on 1 December 2013.CASL Supports the Employment of Disabled Persons On 11 August 2013, China Aircraft Services Limited (CASL) received commendation at the ceremony of the “Love and Hope” promotion scheme, co-organized by Junior Chamber International Tai Ping Shan and Caritas Rehabilitation Services, for its offering job opportunities to the persons with disabilities. Ms. Stella Chan (right 2), Human Resource Manager of CASL, attended the presentation ceremony.Industry Partner of Hong Kong PolyU Work-Integrated Education
Hong Kong Community College (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)18 Districts Caring Employers Award Labor and Welfare Bureau of the Hong Kong Government, Rehabilitation Advisory Committee, The Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities and The Hong Kong Council of Social ServiceEmployer's Award “Love and Hope” Promotion Scheme
Junior Chamber International Tai Ping Shan and Caritas Rehabilitation ServicesCASL Awarded the Caring Company Logo for 10 Consecutive Years At the Caring Company Partnership Expo held on 22 January 2013, China Aircraft Services Limited (CASL) was again awarded the Caring Company Logo by the Hong Kong Council of Social Services in recognition of its good corporate citizenship and contributions to the local community. It has been eleven consecutive years since CASL participated in the Caring Company Scheme when it was launched in 2002.“Class of Excellence” Wastewi$e Label Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence
Environmental Campaign CommitteeBusiness Partner Contributions to HKIA Achieving Airport Carbon Accreditation "Optimization" Level
Airport Authority Hong KongCASL Supports the Airfield and Baggage Hall Safety Campaign 2012 Airport Authority Hong Kong organized the Airfield and Baggage Hall Safety Campaign 2012. Being one of the business partners of the campaign, China Aircraft Services Limited (CASL) supports the promotion of safety within the airport. A series of events such as safety talks, safety poster design competition and safety role model election has been held to raise the awareness of safety issues.
The prize presentation ceremony was held at HKIA Tower on 17 January 2013. Two of our staff from Cabin Services were elected as the Best Safety Role Models in recognition of their excellent safety behavior in workplace.CASL Earns the Wastewi$e Label of Excellence Having achieved an accumulation of 9 environmental goals over the past three years, China Aircraft Services Limited (CASL) was granted the “Class of Excellence” Wastewi$e Label by the Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence (HKAEE).
The Wastewi$e Label is a recognition scheme under the HKAEE led by the Environmental Campaign Committee of the Government to encourage Hong Kong businesses or organizations in adopting measures to reduce the amount of waste.
As a responsible company, CASL endeavors to participate in green management in an effort to support the sustainable development of Hong Kong. During the three years, CASL has successfully accomplished goals in waste reduction and recycling of electrical/ electronic appliances, toner/ inkjet cartridges and books, etc. -
CASL Supports World Vision’s Charity Sale of Second-hand Books In July 2012, China Aircraft Service Limited (CASL) donated 240 used books to the World Vision Hong Kong for charity sale purpose. The charity sale was held on 2-8 August and 10-16 August at Plaza Hollywood and tmt Plaza respectively. HK$1,800,000 was raised from the campaign will be used to support a school construction project in Shaanxi, China. It aims to improve the learning environment for the needy children in China. CASL will continuously support the needy children by helping them to escape poverty and improve their lives through education.CASL Supports VTC 30th Anniversary Walkathon Over the years, China Aircraft Services Limited (CASL) is devoted to contributing to the society through participating in various charity events in Hong Kong. Aiming to raise funds for the newly established Student Development Foundation which is to support development needs for over 50,000 full-time students, Vocational Training Council (VTC) organized the VTC 30th Anniversary Walkathon in Shatin on 9 December 2012. As a token of support, CASL being the silver sponsor formed a team of CASL staff to join the Walkathon on that dayCASL Receives 18 Districts Caring Employers 2012 Award China Aircraft Services Limited (CASL) strives to provide equal employment opportunities for people in vulnerable social groups and implements measures to create work environments that support this objective. In 2012, CASL received the 18 Districts Caring Employers 2012 Award in recognition of CASL for hiring four Cabin Services Assistants with hearing impaired from The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf. The award was jointly organised by the Labour and Welfare Bureau, the Rehabilitation Advisory Committee, the Hong Kong Council of Social Service and the Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities. Besides, there are only two companies obtained this 18 Districts Caring Employers 2012 Award in the aviation industry of Hong Kong, and CASL is delighted to be one of them.CASL sponsored the Hong Kong Girl Guides Eastern District Association China Aircraft Services Limited (CASL) sponsored the 30th Anniversary Commemoration Publication of the Hong Kong Girl Guides Eastern District Association. CASL would like to take this opportunity to wish the Hong Kong Girl Guides Eastern District Association continues to build a brighter future and to enable girls and young women to develop their fullest potential as responsible citizen of the world.The World's Greenest Airport Pledging Ceremony Airport Authority Hong Kong (AAHK) and 40 aviation business partners pledged at a ceremony held on 8 May 2012 to make the Hong Kong International Airport (HKIA) the world’s greenest airport by reducing 25% of its carbon intensity by 2015.
China Aircraft Services Limited (CASL) as one of the participants, promises to make the most efforts in constructing the Hong Kong International Airport into one of the world's most environmentally airports.Salvation Army Recognises CASL for Employment Opportunities The Social Services Department of The Salvation Army presented CASL a certificate to express their gratitude for taking part in the job fair and offering employment opportunities to their service users.“Class of Good” Wastewi$e Label Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence
Environmental Campaign Committee18 Districts Caring Employers Award Labor and Welfare Bureau of the Hong Kong Government, Rehabilitation Advisory Committee, The Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities and The Hong Kong Council of Social ServiceCASL Supported Charity Pedal Kart Grand Prix China Aircraft Services Limited (CASL) sponsored the Cathay Pacific Airways Pedal Kart Teams at the “Hong Kong 24 hour Charity Pedal Cart Grand Prix”. The event was held at Victoria Park, Hong Kong on 11 and 12 Feb 2012.Ngong Ping Charity Walk 2012 China Aircraft Services Limited (CASL) employees enthusiastically participated in the Ngong Ping Charity Walk 2012, which was held on 8 January 2012. The fund raised in the event would be used in organising whole person development activities, promoting environmental protection and cultural exchange, also introducing hostel culture and green travel to all walks of life. -
“Class of Good” Wastewi$e Label Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence
Environmental Campaign Committee

COVID-19 challenges have not stopped us from giving back to society. Not only do we hire people with disabilities, ethnic minorities also contribute a significant percentage of the CASL workforce.
The "Partner Employer Award" is organized by the Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business Limited. It aims to commend the efforts of enterprises in actively offering internship to students and employment opportunities to the disabled, ethnic minorities, rehabilitated persons, re-trained persons and retirees etc.

As a responsible employer, not only do we offer more than one MPF scheme for our employees to choose from to suit their needs and preferences while complying with the MPF legislation, we also offer MPF voluntary contributions and actively promote updates and tips on MPF to our colleagues through our communication channels.

Among the 420 applications submitted to the EOC, CASL is proud to be one of 14 companies and the first company at Hong Kong International Airport to receive the Gold Award at the EOC’s first ever recognition scheme.

The “Happiness at Work Promotional Scheme” aims to promote a happy workplace culture and environment and improve the happiness of the local workforce.


CASL has been a recipient of the Awards since 2016. Apart from the EcoPartner Award, CASL is awarded the “EcoPioneer 5 Years+” logo in recognition of our continued green efforts.
Organized by the Federation of Hong Kong Industries and sponsored by Bank of China (Hong Kong), the Awards aims to reduce environmental footprints in the Pan-Pearl River Delta region.

Creating a family-friendly workplace through implementing family-friendly employment practices, we hope this will help relieve employees from work stress and the pressure of taking care of their families and we believe employees can enjoy work better with their mind at ease.

We are pleased to receive a certificate from the Environmental Campaign Committee in recognition of our pursuit of environmental initiatives and participation in the 2019 Hong Kong Awards for Environmental Excellence.

“Happiness at Work Promotional Scheme” aims to promote a happy workplace culture and environment and improve the happiness of the local workforce.


CASL has been awarded the “Happy Company " logo for the 3rd consecutive years to recognize CASL’s effort in creating a caring and pleasant workplace for our employees.




This campaign is aimed at empowering youngsters with will power, wisdom and integrity, which many youngsters are in lack of, while these are essential qualities to cope with the challenges and adversities throughout different life stages.
4 CASL employees, along with dozens of representatives from different corporations, received one-day training to acquire the ball juggling skills. They will take up the mentor role and go to a number of schools to pass on the skills and essence of the campaign.
The Mirror awarded CASL a certificate to appreciate our support and sponsorship.

The teams consist of CASL staff from Cabin Services, Line Maintenance, Base Maintenance, as well as Supply & Stores Departments.
Cabin Services Team won the second runner-up in the 25Km Division of the Aviation Cup with the result of 3 hours 59 minutes.



Green Power Hike, organized by a local environment group Green Power, is an annual fund-raising walkathon aiming to inspire people to better appreciate nature and learn more about the ecology of Hong Kong. All donations raised are used for environmental education in the community and schools. Following last year’s success, Green Power organized the Aviation and Airport Services Cup for the airport community. More than 30 teams from various companies in the sector raced over 10 km, 25 km and 50 km of the Hike.

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Hong Kong Community College

for taking part in the career development activities held in 2014.

Labor and Welfare Bureau of the Hong Kong Government, Rehabilitation Advisory Committee, The Hong Kong Council of Social Service and The Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities

Green Power

Environmental Campaign Committee

One of the cases is CASL’s employing hearing impaired staff at the Hong Kong International Airport. The programme is broadcast on ATV Home and TVB Jade on 1 December 2013.
To watch the video, please click below for the archive on RTHK’s website:
Talent-wise Employment video – CASL (Cantonese only)

Co-organized by the Labour and Welfare Bureau, Rehabilitation Advisory Committee, The Hong Kong Joint Council for People with Disabilities and The Hong Kong Council of Social Service, the award presentation ceremony was held on 1 December 2013.

Hong Kong Community College (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)

Junior Chamber International Tai Ping Shan and Caritas Rehabilitation Services

Environmental Campaign Committee

Green Power

Airport Authority Hong Kong

The prize presentation ceremony was held at HKIA Tower on 17 January 2013. Two of our staff from Cabin Services were elected as the Best Safety Role Models in recognition of their excellent safety behavior in workplace.

The Wastewi$e Label is a recognition scheme under the HKAEE led by the Environmental Campaign Committee of the Government to encourage Hong Kong businesses or organizations in adopting measures to reduce the amount of waste.
As a responsible company, CASL endeavors to participate in green management in an effort to support the sustainable development of Hong Kong. During the three years, CASL has successfully accomplished goals in waste reduction and recycling of electrical/ electronic appliances, toner/ inkjet cartridges and books, etc.

China Aircraft Services Limited (CASL) as one of the participants, promises to make the most efforts in constructing the Hong Kong International Airport into one of the world's most environmentally airports.

Environmental Campaign Committee


Environmental Campaign Committee


Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education



City University of Hong Kong



Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council


Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui Welfare Council

Labor Department of the Hong Kong Government

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University