Company Updates


JAL Ramp Incident Free Commendation CASL was awarded the “Ramp Incident Free for 11 consecutive Years” from Japan Airlines Hong Kong Station on 28th March 2019 in recognition of our efforts and the outstanding safety performance achieved.
Students from the University of Hong Kong Visit CASL IMSE and BEng students from the University of Hong Kong visited CASL on 27March 2019 to get better acquainted with aircraft maintenance industry and the opportunity to engage in the innovative AR/VR training. The visit familiarized the students with CASL’s background while the tour around CASL's facilities and the innovative AR/VR training center has deepened their understanding on the industry's frontline operation and work environment.
Appreciation letter was received from China Southern Airlines CASL is delighted to receive an appreciation letter from China Southern Airlines in recognition of our efforts in maintaining high service quality during the Spring Movement Period in 2019. CASL will ceaselessly adhere to the principle of safety and high standard in delivering exceptional services to customers.
A Pleasant Visit by Hong Kong Institute of Technology Supporting the next generation is one of CASL's longstanding corporate values. CASL is delighted to have accommodated over 20 students from the Hong Kong Institute of Technology on 20 March 2019.
Visit by Ningbo Hangzhou Bay New Zone Representatives A delegation made up of representatives from Ningbo Hangzhou Bay New Zone, Ning Shing Holdings and Aerochine Aviation, came to visit CASL in order to better understand CASL's daily operations and training facilities. The visitors were particularly interested in the innovative AR/VR training centre. After brief introduction, the visitors took the opportunity to put on the VR goggles and engage themselves in the virtual aircraft checking scenario at the airport. Through this valuable exchange of ideas and experience, CASL hopes that representatives from the Mainland can learn more about the industry development of aircraft maintenance in Hong Kong. CASL also looks forward to enhancing cooperation between the two places in the future.